CrossFit Games Programming

Contents1 CrossFit Love programming is grouped by athlete performance level. 2 The current three week Level 2 wave template: CrossFit Love programming is grouped by athlete performance level.  Level 1 programming is designed for beginner to intermediate CrossFit athletes. Typically, these athletes have less than 6 months to a year of experience in CrossFit and no weightlifting … Read more

Easing Lower Back Pain by Jake Hill

Fellow workout enthusiasts!  As some of you might know, I have chronic back pain that sometimes sidelines me during workouts.  I’ve searched far and wide, bought strange products from infomercials and seen back alley acupuncturists (I hope that was a needle, for his sake and mine).  My quest has recently brought me to a great … Read more

Floss Everyday by Mischa Jemionek

Floss Everyday: How (and When) to Use a VooDoo Band. Most athletes know that foam rollers and lacrosse balls are excellent tools for soft tissue mobilization.  But what about the VooDoo floss band?  Or if you are a CrossFit Love member, we have the various lengths of donated bike tires that have been cut in … Read more

“Inflammation, Health and Fitness”

Welcome to Day 4 of the Whole 30 / Love 30!! Today’s post is brought to us by Dr. Jeff Leighton, he is the mind and science behind all of SFH (Stonger Faster Healthier) products. Dr. Leighton applies science and medicine to the design, clinical testing, and commercialization of natural products that benefit wellness, fitness and … Read more