An Introduction To The Psychology Behind Dieting

It’s proven that the human body and mind are closely linked to each other. When we search for the root cause of any physical illness, we may finally land near any mental torments and vice versa. This enormous connection between the human mind and body should be balanced in order to stay healthy in every manner too. Because when we do anything, both of these essentials are involved in it. Even when we eat, sleep, work or do anything else, this equilibrium will bring you the correct result. 

An Introduction To The Psychology Behind Dieting

This bond has been subjected to many studies. In recent years many of them simply focused on the idea of dieting and the psychology behind it. Even an expert named Jane Ogden also published a book with the title, ‘ The Psychology of Dieting’. And all these efforts imply how important it is to understand the behavior of us toward what we eat. Our psychology is directly responsible to determine what and how we eat.

An Introduction To The Psychology Behind Dieting

The Psychology Behind Diets

As we follow certain diets to achieve fitness, we see drastic changes in our physique. But within a couple of months, we realize that we start to go back to the former state. These short-term results are indeed frustrating and the next thing we do could be searching for a better one. While in such a situation, did you ever think what could be the reason behind that? If you think it is quite natural, do you think it is right to ignore it? 

Often you get failed to reach the best result out of your diet and the major factor behind it is the stress you put in your system. As a result, you will have excess levels of stress hormones like cortisol, and you will gain more weight eventually. To tell you in detail, when you restrict yourself from any food which you are really fond of you will think about it more often. The same happens even if you banned yourself from something that you are not at all want to eat. This is not all a good sign as your brain starts to scan for that particular food item. 

Your uncontrollable cravings towards any delicacies also have a psychological link in them. 

Psychological Conditions Regarding Diet

As there is a psychological link between what and the way you eat food, a lot of people are victims of eating disorders or complications with their diet. And it is shocking that many are not even aware that there is plenty wrong with their eating habits. Here are some common eating disorders along with the psychological sides. 


The brain also determines binary thinking over food, which means, the way you think some are good for you and some others aren’t. This can gradually take you to an eating disorder called orthorexia. This will leave you with an unhealthy obsession with optimal nutrition and healthy eating. 

Anorexia nervosa

Generally, this condition occurs in teens and youngsters, especially among the women tribe. Those who are victims of anorexia nervosa, consider themselves overweight, even if they are very lean and underweight. This over consciousness will lead them to cut down their calories, without providing their body with the needed quantities of nutrients. 

Binge Eating Disorder

It is another common tendency in people in which they eat unusually large quantities of food between short intervals, as they lose control over binges. Despite feeling hungry, they eat rapidly and become unstoppable as if they have an uncontrollable appetite. 

Eating disorders need to be taken seriously as they require proper treatment. They eventually can bring severe damage to the body if left ignored. Thinking about the eating habits, you will see it varies from person to person, and because of this, the right diet for everyone will not be 

the same. 

Tips To Regularize

For anyone who is with an eating disorder or bad eating habits, it is required to be managed for the sake of his health. If you notice any such conditions in you, act right away to save yourself for your own good. Here a few tips to put an order to the way you eat. 

  • Prioritize healthy weight
  • Have a clear idea of the necessity of nutrients in your body 
  • Be aware of the reasons behind your disorder and its future complications. 
  • Follow correct meal planning
  • Regularize your diet with three meals and two regular snacks a day
  • Seek the help of a therapist along with consulting your nutritionist. 

The way we feel is closely related to what we eat just like the link between the human body and mind. The food we eat should delight both our tongue and nutritional needs. Whether you eat more or less, it scales how fuller you live your life. If you are not satisfied with the food you eat, you will end up with negative feelings towards it. At the same time, your intention to follow healthy eating habits is appreciable, but it is quite challenging to stick with it. 

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