Core exercises are not only helpful for building those perfect abs but also to enhance flexibility and activating the core. While you may do a quick google search about it, you will find that each source provides different information on the best excercises and here we provide The Best Abdominal Workouts Of All Time.
- 1 The Best Abdominal Workouts Of All Time | Does This Exercises Really Make You Fit?
- 2 The 7 Best Abdominal Workouts Of All Time
- 3 Plank
- 4 Reverse Crunch
- 5 Grounded Russian Twist
- 6 Dead Bug
- 7 Mountain Climber
- 8 The Boat
- 9 Bicycle Crunch
- 10 Benefits Of Abdominal Excercises
- 11 How To Do Abdominal Excercises?
- 12 Conclusion
The Best Abdominal Workouts Of All Time | Does This Exercises Really Make You Fit?
Given that you are here, you are probably a beginner or simply want to grow your knowledge. So what exactly are the best? And how to do them?

This article will act as your personal guide to some of the best ab exercises!
The 7 Best Abdominal Workouts Of All Time
The traditional start, you must have heard about the plank exercise many times. Mostly because it is best recommended for beginners and is really easy to do.

You can hold the plank for as long as 20 to even 60 seconds. But make sure that your core is being engaged throughout the process. The best way to get it right is by tilting your pelvis back. The key is to maintain a flat lower back and avoid a curved lower back, as much as possible.
Reverse Crunch
Crunches are specifically great to develop a six-pack but have you ever tried the reverse crunch? It helps to keep your abdominal muscles under tension for more time. Moreover, reverse crunch is known to be the most ideal method to develop those lower abs.

All you have to do is to lie on your back and raise your legs. At the same time ensure that your thighs are in a vertical position with knees bent at a 90-degree angle.
Grounded Russian Twist
Although there are several variations to this one, the general advice is to be thorough with the basics. Yes, you would have heard this common advice a billion times! While doing a grounded Russian twist, it is important to not hunch over.

So use your chest for maximum support. While leaned back, maintain your torso at a 45-degree angle and extend your arms by interlocking your fingers. Rotate to the center and continue it to touch one side at a time. This is one of the Best Abdominal Workouts Of All Time
Dead Bug
This is another great exercise to add to your abdominal workouts if you are just starting out. The dead bug is also proven to be the most effective ab exercise as per research.

Simply lie on your back and keep your arms stretched to the ceiling. Then lower your left arm to the ground whilst extending your right leg such that your limbs are parallel to the ground. You need to spend at least 3 seconds per movement ie; lowering and raising. Reverse and repeat. Throughout the steps, you must be doing it slow and controlled.
Mountain Climber
This is also called running planks which is pretty understandable from the pose. The best part about mountain planks is that they are an all-rounder exercise for your body. Meaning that it helps to build many muscles at once as well as core strength. And since it increases cardio endurance, the benefits are in the form of healthy heart function and calorie burn. So start with the plank pose and then pull your right knee to your chest as much as you can.

Next, switch it with your other leg and repeat the step. The hips should be kept down and speed up the movement as if you are running. Having adequate breath control is the key point so you can try alternate breathing per movement ie; inhale and exhale while moving each leg.
The Boat
The best core exercise in yoga, the boat pose, also called Navasana, targets the enhancement of everything from abs to quadriceps, hip flexors, and the back muscles. Most of all, it greatly strengthens and activates your core. And yes, it is really difficult exactly the way it looks, so you need to take it really slow. Let’s get into the details! So you have to sit straight, legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Next, keeping your legs together, lift and rotate them to form a 45-degree angle to your torso.

Your back should be kept flat so it’s all about how well you can use the support of your tailbone. Again, doing it slowly is vital, and don’t pressure your body too much to get it right.
Bicycle Crunch
You must have come across bicycle crunch many times while searching for abdominal workouts and there’s a solid reason why. In 2001, the American Council on Excercise (ACE) declared bicycle crunch as the most effective ab exercise. The bicycle crunch is done in standing pose, elevated pose, and Bosu Ball. The latter two are advanced versions. The standard version however is easy to follow making it the ideal start to bicycle crunch for beginners. Lie on the ground with your lower back pressed to the floor and knees bent. Now the most important part, keep your hands behind your head for support and pull back your shoulder blades.

Then raise your knees to a 90-degree angle perform a bicycle pedal motion ie; raise one knee to your armpit while stretching the other. Your hip must be lifted above the ground at this time and then rotate your torso to touch your elbow to the opposite knee. Alternate and repeat the movements.
These are The Best Abdominal Workouts Of All Time that are found to be highly effective. Be it any of the methods that you add to your workouts or start with, make sure that you do it slow and steady as you don’t want to further injure your muscles in addition to the initial pain. Allow your body to fully recover before going for more training. Keep yourself hydrated and get enough sleep to speed up the repair process.
Benefits Of Abdominal Excercises
Core training of course helps activate your center, develop and strengthen the lower body muscles. But what else can it do?
- Burns abdominal fat: As you already know, belly fat not only affects your appearance but is also a sign of Type 2 Diabetes, insulin resistance, poor metabolism all of which severely damage your health. Ab excercises are an effective way to naturally get rid of your belly fat as it speeds up the calorie burn.
- Improves stability and posture: Take any of the core workouts and you can see that every one of them focuses on improving your balance. They strengthen the muscles around the spine and prevent postural problems. This automatically treats your back pain and gives you more flexibility and mobility.
- Enhances breathing and endurance: Since most of the movements are practiced with breath control, it improves your respiratory function which reduces the amount of energy required. Also, your body adapts to long and hectic training without undergoing any injuries or fatigue.
How To Do Abdominal Excercises?
Although you can find many resources to ab training, some of these exercises may not be suitable if you are a beginner. Moreover, the time set for each movement varies based on your experience with training. 5-10 minutes is what is usually prescribed for beginners, twice a day.

As your core strength develops, you can increase your sets and repetitions accordingly. Pay attention to your body throughout and increase endurance gradually. Take the necessary safety measures and seek pro advice as
With more than a ton of ab workouts to pick from, the right guidance can help you ace these exercises and transform your body effectively with The Best Abdominal Workouts Of All Time. Because there are many variations to most of these movements, it is really easy to mess up which can lead to unnecessary consequences. So get a good coach and the more you self-research on the core exercises, the better knowledge you have before working out.
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