How To Exercise At Home Without Equipment? Both Lower & Upper Body

It’s the lockdown and quarantine times that you might be bored of since the pandemic broke out. All you will have at home is some furniture and a carpet that fits the monochromatic appearance of your living room. If you don’t have access to the nearby gym or exercise machines, you can stay calm today. You will be learning about exercises that can be done at home with ease.

Is Home Workout Effective Than GYM?

You won’t have to go after the same workout regime you have been struck with, staying at home. You can start learning something new. So, forget about spending more effort that gave you no results. Let me list down a few exercises that wouldn’t require you to spend an arm and a leg on types of equipment, but instead use your couch or any other furniture to support you.

Is Home Workout Effective Than GYM?

Some countries have been liberal with their changes on lockdown restrictions, but you can still carry on with your home workouts, despite jogging or running. Some exercises would sweat your body well and help you stay ripped and sculpt which would divert your attention towards healthy living than living a mundane lifestyle. Staying active and getting your body to sweat every day through high-intensity workouts will fend you off from stress, boredom, and undesirable thoughts. So getting busy and staying healthy is a few steps away.

Let’s discuss some equipment-free exercises that can be performed at home without having any hassle of wasting time. So get ready to tone your body, improve blood flow and pump your heart better.

Core Strengthening Home Exercises

Sit-Ups– These are some of the basic yet effective workouts that nobody is unaware of.


 You can begin with 15- 20 situps every day and shift to a 40-50 situp pattern once you are a hardcore workout robot. Avoid tucking your feet under the table or half of your feet under the sofa or any other supportive area to make the session intense.

Crunches– Crunches might induce cravings among others when the sound’s heard.


 But the crunches that I am talking about are the next home workout  I would like to discuss that helps in staving off unwanted fat from your abdominal area. By burning fat and sweating enough, you are sure to strengthen your core muscles while you perform your session. Three sets of 20 would be fine but you can begin doing it when you are a Pro.

Bicycles To perform a bicycle exercise, you need to lie flat on your back, knees bent and feet in the air.


 Place your hands behind the head, push your legs that would give you a bicycle movement for a minute without stopping.

Planks – These might sound so simple and easy, but you would be easily ready to give up once you begin your plank session. But what it does will strengthen your core muscles in the abdomen and gives your body a perfect toned shape that you can boast.


Begin your planks with the body weight on your elbows and toes,  as if you are pushing the ground.  At least hold yourself for a minute and go on with more minutes if you turn yourself into a pro.

Lower Body Strengthening Exercises

Squats – To begin squat exercise, Turn out your feet and keep your back straight. Lower your seating position to your knee height.


 You can go on with two sets of squats every day. If you are a parent and have small kids at home, you can have them on your back.

Lunges – In this workout method, stand parallel on your feet and take a heavy step forward with your right leg, and land with your knee bent and over the toes.


 Let your back knee drop down towards the floor and balance by swinging your left arm forward. Push your right front foot to the standing position and you are done. Continue this with 2 sets of 10 on each side.

Squat Jumps – Begin by bending your knees, almost in a squat position, and keep your hands in a steady movement as if you were flapping your wings.

Squat Jumps

Keep jumping in the air by staying straight on your legs before you squat again. Doing sets of 10 would be ideal.

High Knees- Lift each knee higher and jog in your place. Continue doing this exercise 15- 20 times and increase accordingly.

High Knees

Bavarian Split Squats-  These are squats that can be done by resting a leg on a low table or a chair. Make sure your weight is on the leg placed forward, without bending your knee other than your toes. Keep doing it with 2 sets on each side.

Bavarian Spilt Squats

Calf Raises – Place your palms against the wall and face it to make sure you are balanced and had supported. Rise on your toe and back down. Make sure you repeat this 20 times.

Calf Raises

Upper Body- Home Workouts

Push-Ups- Everybody knows what a push-up is and they must continue with  15-20 push-ups every day in the initial stage. You can place a small child on your back and continue doing your push-ups every day for better resistance.

Push Ups

Dips- Hold on to the edgy front of your chair and push your buttocks in front with your arms bearing all the weight of your body. You can now bend your elbows and go down to the floor with your hips. Be straight and continue doing the exercise for some time.


Deadlifts- It’s like a gym when you have heavy objects at home like dumbbells, 2  large gallons of water, or duffle bags filled with enough weight. Keep your body straight and lift the whole weight that’s kept on the floor in front of you. Be in a vertical position, raise your back and get low. Continue Deadlifts 15 – 20 times every day


Cardio Workouts At Home

Jumping Jacks- You need to raise your hands over your head and keep your cardio going for a minute at least. This is when your heart rate is seen pumping up.

Burpees- A perfect jump from a plank position with hands in the air is what this session is all about. You need to return to the position as fast as you can by beginning with 10 burpees a day.

You Can Also Read – Fitness During The Times Of COVID-19: Why exercise Is Important During COVID

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